Tuesday, May 1, 2012


*flails arms*  Cheer with me, people...

So...I did it!  I beat my PR from last year.  I made it...and didn't die.  BONUS!

I think I reviewed this race last year, but I'm going to again, because I can.  Suck it up, Buttercup.

The Drake Relays on the Roads race features an 8k and a Half Marathon.  This year there were 2500 total entrants into the race, and I swear most of these entrants are in GOOD shape.  I'm not sure if it is the fact that it is around the Drake Relays or that it's a college town.  But the average finishing pace for the Half was 1:56 or something.  Cuh-RAZY.  It makes me feel average...which is actually pretty good if I think about it.

The only thing that has changed for this race this year was the packet pick-up.  Normally there is a large pick-up on Friday afternoon/evening, but this year they changed it because they provided tickets to events and wanted people to pick up packets on Wednesday and Thursday as well as Saturday.  Also, the venue they used in previous pick-ups was not available, so I think that factored in heavily.  It was annoying picking up packets on Saturday, ONLY because it was not well organized.  That was my only beef with this race.


The course is heavily, hills.  But now that I look at the map, I feel crazy.  Because there are only two large hills, or even marked hills in the course.  But those hills seem to be a doozy.  There is tons of shade, with great neighborhoods to watch and people at most turns.

Course map:

Miles 1-5 always fly by for me in this race, I feel good, ready to run...

Miles 6-10 are always the worst...the neighborhoods are more spread out and spectators are hard to find.  The ones you do find are amazing-friendly and always cheering.

Miles 10-13 are the miles where you double back up the hill you went out on.  A gradual incline to decline that is well traveled with great traffic control provided by some cute cops (just sayin').

Home stretch:  You know where you start, so you're counting down the blocks...and you can seeeeee the finish, but it seems miles away...and then...PEOPLE everywhere...all along the gates.  Which helps IMMENSELY.  I can't say if I heard just one person yell, but it seems to be a wave of sound that propels you to a good finish.

1:48:56 baby!!

See...I finished....me and my giant legs...again.  :)  I don't mind...they get me where I'm a-going.

The best part about this Half?  THE PRICE.  I think it runs about $45 with fees.  And you get a tech shirt AND socks.  Hello?  Rock on!

The next day my quads were KILLING me...but I will live.

This week?  So far I've been LAZY..no runs.  But I think I'll fire up the 'mill and get something done tonight.  We shall see.

Also...I have some "beauty related" items I will be talking about soon.  REAL soon.

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